Determination of properties of mix, Marshal stability and flow analysis and finally determination of optimum bitumen contentape of aggregates
Used to determine the percentage of bitumen content present in the asphaltic pavement by cold solvent extraction.
ring and ball apparatus electrical
Ring and ball apparatus is used to determine softening point of Bitumen
standard penetration
standard tar viscometer
It is used for determination the viscosity of road oils and cut back bitumen. It consists s. S. Bath with cup of 10 mm or 4 mm orifice and sleeve, stirrer with lifting clip and ball.
Stripping value apparatus
The stripping value of aggregates is determined as the ratio of the uncovered area observed visually to the total area of aggregates, expressed as a percentage. Bitumen and tar adhere well to all normal types of aggregates provided they are dry and are not exceptionally dusty.
Ductility Test Apparatus
Ductility of a bituminous material is measured by the distance in centimeters to which it will elongate before breaking when two ends of standard briquette specimen of material are pulled apart at a specified speed and specified temperature.
bitumen mixer with heating jacket
A 6-litre Mixer Used in conjunction with an Iso Mantle, is suitable for mixing samples of asphalt. Bench mounting Mixer, 6 liter nominal capacity. Supplied with bowl, beater and whisk. Motorised with two speed operated on 230 V A.C., Single Phase.
Benkelman Beam Apparatus
This test procedure covers the determination of the rebound deflection of a pavement under a standard wheel load and tyre pressure. The Benkelman (portable) Beam apparatus is a convenient, cost effective and accurate device used for measuring the deflection of flexible pavements under moving wheel loads.
pavement core drilling machine
The Pavement Core Drilling Machine is petrol engine powered. It has been designed specifically for the purpose of drilling test cores from or holes in, Roads, Airport Runways,Bridges etc.
asphalt concrete cutting machine
Walk-behind saw (also called floor saw, joint cutters or asphalt and concrete cutters) are used for cutting asphalt, roadways, concrete, reinforced concrete, floors and to create joint of dilatation on surfaces.
Straight Edge
3 meter
Automatic Compactor For Bituminous Mixes
The Automatic Compactor For Bituminous Mixes eliminates the laborious process of manual compaction and an even degree of compaction is achieved. The driven mechanism lifts the weight of 4.5kg and drops it through a correct height of 457 mm. The rammer foot is removable, which facilitates preheating.
elastic recovery mould
Standard test method for elastic recovery of bituminous materials
Kinematic Viscosity Bath
Kinematic Viscosity Bath is the equipment, which is utilized to measure kinematic viscosity of different types of oils
rolling thin film oven
Test measures the effect of heat and air on a moving film of hot mix asphalt binder, simulating short-term aging that occurs during production and paving operations. This is important for investigating and predicting early age HMA pavement behavior and distress.